The annual Bible quiz competition was held on the 12th of April 2022. It was a big day for the children who had been studying the word of God and reading their quiz material for some months in preparation for this day. The venue of the event was at our office premises on the ground floor, making it easier for us to do the logistics. The children came in their numbers, leading to the smooth running of the program. We had five groups of children participating, 8 students in each group. There were more high school children in all groups as 6 members of each group were high school children while 2 were primary children, this was due to the fact that most of our Themba children are now at high school, leaving us with very few children still at primary level.
It was interesting to note that the new children also participated. Nalenhle Mpala was able to memorize 15 verses in a row and scooped a prize for best student of the word for primary school children while Juanita Moyo was also best student of the word for high school children. She knew her Bible very well as she was first to open any passage of scripture during the sword drill. The whole event showed that the children read their Bibles better than last year thanks to the Bible clubs where children have been encouraged to read their Bibles every day. It is our prayer that programs like this one will help the children grow in their spiritual lives and do what the word of God tells them to do.
It was a blessing to have Simphiwe Mlotswa, who is doing a Diploma in education and Nkosinomusa Moyo, who is doing accounting at university coming to lend a hand in the facilitation of the program and were an inspiration to the other children. At the end of the program the children were presented with prizes of stationary, which we believe will help them at school as the price of stationary is now very high. The children also had refreshments and had time to fellowship.
We appreciate all of the Themba sponsors and friends for making this program a success.