Your Letters Finally Arrived! I am thrilled to let you know that the letters written back at the beginning of the year have finally arrived in Zimbabwe. They have been through quite a journey! I sent them off in February and they were returned to me over the summer and then I mailed them out again this fall. They are being delivered as I write this to you and the children are already starting to respond to them!
One of the students picking up her letter and showing their arrival with one of the volunteers.

A student replying to his letter right away!
News About School
Soneni writes: The schools are supposedly opened now for all classes. The last group reopened this past Monday. The most disturbing and sad thing is that there are no teachers. Teachers are on strike. Most schools have advised children not to come to school everyday. One of our caregivers says there was a meeting at her children’s school and the Head Master told them that there are no teachers so they can decide what to do with their children, whether to let them continue coming to school to play or keep them at home. The Head Master says she can’t control and monitor the whole school alone, especially now with the rules of the Covid-19 that need to be followed. The situation is really bad. The teachers are now preferring to teach from their homes for a fee. We pray that this will sorted out soon so that the children will be given the opportunity to learn.
Please pray for the present school situation. We pray that the strike will be brief and that the children will begin receiving lessons again soon!
Praying for everyone’s safety right now all over the world. God Bless!
Lynn Nuzzo