In the last several months, our Father in heaven has blessed us in so many ways, with many of our caregivers and children giving their lives to Jesus. Their desire to love him and follow him is one of our greatest desires, and we want to share with you, in pictures, some of the moments when they took this important step.
But before those pictures, I want to share a few words from Similo as she tells about their prayers and desires for this coming year.
Similo writes: “Grace to you and peace from our Father. It is such a joy to be able to share with you what the Lord continues to do for us here at Themba. Our theme for this year comes from Romans 12:2, “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may prove what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” It is our prayer to see God transforming us as the Themba family, not conforming to this world but understanding what His will is for our lives.
May you pray with us as we commit all our plans for this year to the Lord, that He will make them successful.”
Caregivers and children receiving Life as Similo shares Jesus.
Similo sharing with Elen, Jaqueline’s mother, as she surrenders her life to Jesus.
Sharing the Good News with Regina, Natando’s grandmother.
Sharing with Makaido as she accepts Jesus into her life.
Dinisa, Keith’s mother, chooses Jesus while selling her goods.
Sharing God’s love with Mbalenhle.
Julia, Denzil’s grandmother, chooses Jesus as Similo shares with her.
Prayer with Anna.
Enniah accepts Jesus.
Pretty, Andile’s mother, chooses Jesus!
Praying with Granny Patricia .
Norah, Sanelisiwe’s mother, chooses true Life!