We invite you to watch this “picture” of Hope 4 the Orphan – Themba.
The ministry of Hope4theOrphan is directed toward destitute children who have lost one of more of their parents. Hope4the Orphan helps these children and their caregivers by providing school fees and uniforms, securing medical care for both children and caregivers, and by providing spiritual and emotional nurture for the family. In Zimbabwe, Hope4theOrphan is known as “Themba Le’Ntandane”, meaning ‘Hope for the Orphan’ in the local language.
Hope for the Orphan’s Target Group:
- Destitute children who have lost one or both of their parents.
- Children who still reside with mothers or extended family members in their family homes (this group constitutes 99% of the orphaned children in Zimbabwe).
- Children whose caregivers find it impossible to care for and nurture their children without outside help. — 80% of the caregivers of our children are themselves sick, many terminally ill. —
Hope for the Orphan Assists These Children By:
- Paying the necessary school fees and buying the uniform required by each school.
- Securing medical care for both children and sick caregivers.
- Providing food stuffs as opportunities arise.
- Providing spiritual and emotional nurture for both children and caregivers by:
- Regular visits into the homes of each child.
- A Friday Bible Club for all children assisted by the ministry.
- Prayer meetings and support groups for caregivers for their encouragement.
- Camps designed to nurture the children and caregivers in the spiritual walk and for their emotional support.
- Regularly calling the children and caregivers to accept Jesus Christ into their lives and to continue to grow and mature in him.