If you would like to sponsor a child, please contact our Sponsorship Coordinator, Lynn Nuzzo, at lynn@hope4theorphan.org.
Hope4theOrphan was created to assist orphan children who have lost one or both of their parents in the Aids epidemic. These children are now living with one relative, often an elderly grandparent who is unable to care for the needs of their children. Hope4theOrphan provides funds for the children’s school fees, a uniform voucher, food packets and medical assistance for the families. The program takes on the responsibility to care for the children physically, emotionally and spiritually and also provides a weekly Bible study where the children can gather together to grow in their faith. Many of these children are connected to a local church as well. We see God at work in their lives and how deeply they are touched to know that there are people out in the world who support them with their love and prayers. We rejoice each time we see growing relationships between the children and the sponsors from the letter exchanges that we do twice a year. Our hope and prayer is that your sponsorship and prayers for these children will deeply touch your life as well as theirs.
Each sponsorship is $40 per month. You may pay monthly, quarterly or one time per year, whatever you are most comfortable with. You may send a personal check or set up an automatic payment sent to us from your bank.
Please contact our Sponsorship Coordinator, Lynn Nuzzo, at lynn@hope4theorphan.org.
Please send checks to:
122 N. Wheaton Ave., Box 263
Wheaton, IL 60187
We look forward to getting to know you in the future. Thank you again for your sponsorship of these wonderful children.
Help spread the word about Hope4theOrphan. This ministry has been a wonderful opportunity to share with our families and friends, the needs that are out there in the world around us. Thank you for your support, love and prayers for these children!