They spent a day visiting three schools of the 20 that the children attend, meeting with the headmistresses and headmaster and visiting some of the classrooms. The admin at all three schools were very supportive of the children and thanked us (H4tO) for providing the support that keeps the children in school. |
Priscilla and Holden sponsor two Themba children and they were able to meet both of them, along with their families. The first was Chief who attends a trade school and is currently interning with a big food chain. His manager was so impressed with his skills and work ethic that he wants to hire him in management after Chief passes three more courses. Chief will write those exams in June 2024 and we pray he is successful. They also met his mother and his five siblings/cousins, all living in a very small 2-room apartment.
old girl who lives with her mother and two little sisters. They visited her at the school |
Priscilla writes, “Both Chief and Mphathiswa have lovely smiles and seemed happy to meet us in person. Our hearts rejoiced meeting them and their families!” |
What a blessing this trip was for both the MacRae’s and the children and staff! Thank you, Priscilla and Holden, for blessing the H4tO Themba family with your wonderful trip. |